
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Research says social media is easier to recall than textbooks

Scientific American recently reported what many innovative educators instinctively know.  
Image: Katie Sayer/Flickr
"Humans are better at remembering information if it appears as a social network post." 
The article reveals that recollecting Facebook posts is easier than recalling the same information in a book. It also takes less effort to remember posted matter than someone's face, according to new research.

All the more reason for teachers to consider creating Facebook groups for their students so they can have great conversations about ideas, articles, and videos moderated and facilitated by a professional teacher.  


  1. Please correct the spelling. I want to pass on the information but, I am embarrassed to do so until it has been corrected.
    I am sure it was just an oversight.

    1. I have no editor and publish thousands of articles for free to readers. No one who publishes without an editor is error free. Even those who have editors have errors.

      Don't be embarrassed. Instead, point out the typo so I can fix it.

  2. I started using Facebook just as a way to keep in contact with students and to provide an open-study forum. But I switched from a page to Groups for Privacy. Suddenly there was SO much more interaction. So I started exploring all that Groups could offer - and realized I'd found my mobile platform. Students respond more freely to posts, videos, projects and polls. They ask more questions. On quizzes I add questions that refer to a single post or statement by a student and they remember it. For example, in the beginning Spanish class, I asked (in Spanish) Who is popular? Who doesn't like discos because they can be dangerous? etc. and they remembered. In my in-person classes, only about half of the students remember the oral comments that are made.
