
Sunday, October 11, 2015

7 #BYOD Building Blocks for Success

As more and more schools make the decision to embrace student-owned devices for learning, it's important that they incorporate strategies for success. Lifting the ban on devices and inviting them into the school is a start, but it is also important to put building blocks for success in place. To follow are the seven building blocks you should put in place to ensure you attain success.

7 #BYOD Building Blocks for Success

  1. Start with pioneers - Incorporating cell phones and other student devices into learning works best when teachers are on board. Find out if you have teachers in your building who want to pilot this work in your school.  Let them set the stage and support others when they are ready.  
  2. Parent / Student Agreement - Before teachers get going with mobile learning, they should inform the student's parents and have both parents and students sign an agreement. The agreement should include mobile learning ideas to strengthen the home-school connection.
  3. Develop  Responsible Use Guidelines - Just like any other classroom tool, teachers need to work with students to establish responsible use guidelines. In some classrooms, the teacher just explains how the general policies apply to the use of mobile devices; in others, they create a new policy; in some schools, the students help create the policies; and in some classrooms, they invite parental input as well.
  4. Establish Classroom Management Procedures - Teachers who use mobile devices for learning must use updated procedures that include how to manage mobile devices in the classroom. Talking to fellow teachers and learning what works for them will provide consistency within the building. Be open to modifications or suggestions your students may have. They may have some good ideas. Note, however, that this should be determined and posted in advance of using mobile devices in the classroom.
  5. Take inventory - Take an inventory of what devices your students have and ensure lessons are planned accordingly. This may involve having students work in pairs or groups, or using school-issued devices for students who are in need.
  6. Plan Activities "With" Students - A well thought-out plan for embedding mobile devices into instruction is key. Develop a well-crafted outline and description of lessons and activities that could be used for learning with mobile devices. Talk to your students for ideas about where cell phones might fit in.
  7. Teach Safety and Etiquette - Knowing proper safety and etiquette when using mobile devices is an essential 21st century skill. Students need support not only with engaging in and developing safe and appropriate use for themselves, but also with how they may handle a situation when others are not exhibiting appropriate behavior.

So what do you think? Are you putting these building blocks to success in place where you work? Is there anything missing? What challenges and successes have you had?

Resource: Use this presentation to walk folks through the process 7 Building blocks to success.

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