
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

6 Strategies Everyone Forgets To Include When Delivering PD

I've helped facilitate or organize hundreds if not thousands of professional learning opportunities. These are the strategies facilitators most often forget when delivering professional development. With a little bit work, you can ensure this doesn't happen to you.

#NYCSchoolsTech educators at a learning opportunity.
Use this checklist at your next learning opportunity to have a more effective event.
  1. Post a sign with relevant information in the room or at each table. Doing this ensures instructional time is not wasted and the class is not interrupted. Here is a template
  2. At the start of the day, open the agenda and review with participants what will take place and when. Point them to the url for the agenda so they know where to find it.
  3. Put a link to your presentation on the agenda (here's how if you don't know). Let participants know where to find it.
  4. ALL materials, directions, information should be linked from your agenda. Do NOT rely on email. Having to search through emails wastes instructional time.
  5. Incorporate your online community into the the training early on i.e. use it as an ice breaker or for a poll. Project it with your response. The online communities are a lifeline after your opportunity ends. If you don’t have them do it while they’re with you, the opportunity is lost.  
  6. Don’t forget name tags / name cards. Here is a template

What do you think? Do you include all six strategies in the opportunities you deliver? Are these items you see missing in professional development you attend? Anything missing?

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