
Friday, April 17, 2020

One Great Thing #RemoteLearning

Image may contain: 37 people, including Christina Basias, Clay Smith and Laura Ogando
Virtual Google Educator Group
Meetup Participants

During the first virtual Google Educator Meetup, I hosted a session called: One Great Thing. In it, educators shared one great thing that has happened during this time of remote teaching and learning. 

Some great things resulting from remote learning

Accelerated Technology Adoption

  • We accomplished what we set out to do in our five year tech plan in one year. I couldn't be more thrilled to write a new plan.
  • My goal was 100% Google Classroom adoption and remote learning made it happen.
  • Teachers hungry to learn technology and rising to the challenge. They are making mistakes and learning from them. They are are adding new tools to their teaching craft.
  • Witnessing the almost overnight transformation of teachers who thought they could never participate in digital spaces is deeply fulfilling.

Silos broken down / Connections made

  • We’re isolated by grade band in school. With remote learning I see staff across the school more often.
  • I work in an office where we generally are heads down and work within our team. In all my years I've never worked across offices, divisions, and departments nor met so many new people as I have during remote learning.
  • This was my first year in my school. I’ve actually gotten to meet more people in my building than ever before.
  • Virtual office hours have been a great way to make more frequent connections with students. It's easier to have private one-on-one conversations and support than in the classroom.

Innovative work with students

  • Attack Chess Club- Chess meeting once a week with instruction and having all members join a site LICHESS.Org so they can play against one another online.
  • My students made each other greetings in scratch. It was super cool that they came up with a lot on their own with very little instruction.
  • We made a movie of photos of staff at home with their kids, dogs etc and signs saying We Miss You etc. This was posted it in every classroom. Next week we are going to compile one of all the student’s doing their work at home that have been uploaded to Classroom.

Tech companies are accelerating updates

Your turn

Did you see some great things here that are occurring where you work or that you can bring into practice? What's one great thing happening in your education community?

Thank you to our contributors who included:

Apologies for anyone I missed. Teams me and I'll be happy to add you.

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