Check out this video overview for some ideas about using Shmoop with your students.
When you have a message like this, published from your principal, in a blog...you know you're off to a great start!
"Our plans are enormous and quite promising as we embrace the need to prepare ourselves to live productively in the 21st century. I'm sure that you have noticed that technology is moving at a rapid pace. Yesterday's T.V. set is today's antique. The telephone, though still a viable communication tool, is fast becoming an instrument for our parents and grandparents. The youth of today communicate through iPods, Wikis, web posts and blogs. Therefore, here at P.S. 4, we've taken on the challenge of teaching all of the skills and knowledge that our children will need to enter the job market and be able to exchange ideas with scholars around the world in an instant. Our staff began the school year by asking this question; "are we preparing our children for our future or are we preparing them for our past." Clearly, the answer must be that we will embrace the winds of change with the help of our teachers, parents and staff. With our new 21st century grant, we will realize our goals and aspirations for the 2009 - 2010 school year."
Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.
Innovative educators, will recognize what a fantastic video this is to show students. Those who use blogs, discussion forums, or other online learning communities with their students could post this video and have students respond.Well now this concept has come to books…the last bastion of the old business model—the only major medium that still hasn't embraced the digital age. Every other form of media that's gone digital has been transformed by its audience. Whenever a newspaper story or TV clip or blog post or white paper goes online, readers and viewers begin commenting about it on blogs, snipping their favorite sections, passing them along. The only reason the same thing doesn't happen to books is that they're locked into ink on paper. (Wired magazine, 5/22/09)
Like the Oprah, Black Eyed Peas performance, reading is now being released to the readers with Book Glutton, a transformational tool that combines eReading with the social media experience. Readers can comment, chat, and discuss away. When I registered for the site I was thrilled to see some of my favorite educators (Susan Ettenheim, Paul Allison) were already onboard. They had formed a private group with 43 of their students and colleagues and were reading books collaboratively. Of course, I requested membership to their group. As I looked around I saw many other educators had also formed groups and were reading books this way with their students. And, guess what??? Many of these books are available free!
Why eBooks?
I love to tell the story of when I worked as a literacy coach and then as an instructional technology staff developer working with literacy coaches, I often turned to the literacy expert Lucy Calkins for guidance and feedback. When we discussed a one-to-one laptop program I was launching, she said, “Why on earth would you spend all that money to give every child a laptop??? I would rather give each student a lot of books.” I explained how every laptop was equipped with the Microsoft eReader which provides a portal, personal library of books (no special eReading device required) and that sites like Digital Book Index (then, and Google now) provide links to more than 148,000 full-text digital books from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers, universities, and various private sites. More than 120,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available free, while many others are available at very modest cost. Additionally the eReader provides a much richer experience than paper allowing you to highlight, flag, write and comment directly on the book, adjust the font size, have unknown words spoken or defined, auto “Go to” any page, easy search for word or phrase and more. Now it started to make sense to her why one-to-one was so valuable. She purchased devices for her whole staff getting them started in using laptops too. Fast forward more than a half-decade, and devices have dropped to less the half the price, and now, there’s a way to make some offerings collaborative.
Ideas for the classroom
Once Books Have the Opportunity to Shed the Paper and Grow their Digital Wings the implications for education in general and literacy in particular are enormous. When I was in college, I would spend considerable time I the used-book section of the college book store looking for titles containing highlights, mark ups, and notes from people who seemed smart. I loved the connection I had with the never-to-be-met person whose name was scribbled behind the cover of the book. BookGlutton takes this to a whole new level. For those reading this thinking the comments and discussions might be too distracting at times, they’ve thought of that. You can disable or enable the feature to suit your heady desires.
Here are some ideas for how teachers can begin using this in the classroom today.
1) Engage your students inside and outside of class.
Students come to class already engaged in the subject matter by the time they arrive because they have the opportunity to have conversations about books all night or weekend long. This enables in-class conversations to be deeper and richer than they would have been otherwise.
2) Connecting students to others with the same interests.
While it’s great to be able to find students in a class with similar interests and reading levels, there are often times when you have some students who just don’t fit in with the random sampling in your class. This tool lets educators connect students across classes, across grades, and even across schools.
3) Take the ePals concept to a whole new level.
While many teachers have connected with partner classes across the globe about topics of interest, this tool enables students to specifically collaborate on books and make a whole new type of connection.
4) Free Books!!!!
Start with something free. Several of the titles are available at no cost. While the site is in beta and still growing, how many free books do you have for every student in your class today? Find a few good titles and instantly have an entire class set.
5) Encourage students to start their own book clubs
The club can be as open or private as you and the student agree to. Here’s a sample from one GluttonBooks Club: I love to read and I'd love it even more if others wanted to read with me. I like mostly Fantasy/SciFi/Paranormal stuff. Mostly Young Adult. I also really like Christian books... So this will be the type of books we will read in the club! I have like 200 books to choose from..so we shouldn't ever get bored!!
6) Have students publish their own books!
Book Glutton allows members to upload and their own books enabling students to become authors with published pieces with which others can read and interact.
7) Connect with Authors
Have a favorite author? Ask them to join a group formed about their book. Think it’s far-fetched? Think again. I’ve talked with many book authors who lament the fact that books don’t provide the opportunity to engage with their readers the way other mediums do. My guess is that if there book is published in this format, they may consider it. I’m going to approach a book author and request we publish a chapter of his book privately for teachers I work with to have a conversation about it in this format. Book members will have also purchased a hardcopy of the book since it was not created for this format.
How it Works
Supporting students without access to a computer
The number of homes that have internet access is increasing rapidly, though, of course not every student has home access to a computer. This doesn’t mean you should make a decision for an entire school not to use technology. When I was teaching the number of students without computers was much higher than it is today. Here are some things I did:
Even if you do none of these things, you’d be surprised. With intrinsic motivation students often find a friend or neighbor with internet access on their own.
Discovering Book Glutton
I never would have known about this site if not for my fantastic personal learning network in general and in particular from this Facebook status update:
Join Me on Book Glutton
Now that I’ve discovered BookGlutton and shared it with you, I hope you’ll join me on the site. Just look for the username, InnovativeEd