Listening to these guys made me want to scream. So, I did. "It’s not true! Many things in life are free. You don’t have to pay for what you get. And it doesn’t take as much as you think to move schools into the 21st century. You just need to update and shift your thinking."
The two men looked at me and then each other shaking their heads. Then one of them said, “You still have the sparkle in your eye. That hope. That passion. You’ll learn. When you’ve been around as long as we have, you’ll discover nothing changes and there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” I felt like I’d been zapped back in time and realized that sadly this is the time zone in which many students are stuck with educators and administrators who refuse to think outside the ban and chose to ignore the fact that The PODs (personally owned devices) are indeed coming to a classroom near you.
So, I retorted. “What you are saying isn’t true anymore. The rules have changed. The best tools in life are free…at least for educators. There is such a thing a free lunch.” “Oh yeah,” one of the guys said. “Maybe you can get something for free but it won’t last.” “What? Yes it will,” I insisted. “Okay,” he said. “Give me an example.” It was at this moment that I realized that although I was at a tech conference, many of these people still live the technology past. I took a breath and shared that there are an endless number of free tools and they are going to be around. "Oh really?" one of the men asked as he looked at me over the top of his glasses. "Like what?" "Well," I said, "The whole Google suite for starters. Add to that wikis, blogs, YouTube, Watchknow, video conferencing, phone calls, and I could go on and on. “Nah, those things won’t last,” the two men said to each other shaking their heads. “She’ll learn. Nothing in life is free. The sparkle in her eye will fade away just like ours has.”
People like these old-timers need to hold on to this reality and convince others of it’s truth not only because folks are resist to change, but because it keeps them employed. On the other end of the spectrum, we have businesses fooling educators and administrators into believing it is difficult to educate innovatively because doing so results in big bucks for the companies who want to make a profit off of you. They want to sell you their equipment, products, and licenses, and charge you money to train you to learn how to use it.
There is a lot at stake for these old timers and big businesses if educators don't believe their in-the-past reality. They’ve done a pretty good job of scaring many out of joining the present connected world in which we live. The big disconnect comes because, today’s digital native students know that if it’s designed right, it doesn’t require a manual, training, or a lot of money. However, many of their digital immigrant teachers and administrators who grew up in a close-sourced world where they paid for quality and read the manual first, have yet to learn this lesson. As a result, two things are happening. 1) Teachers aren’t teaching as innovatively as they could because they’re fooled into believing it is hard and expensive. 2) Administrators are wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on things that are available for FREE! Here are some of them.
8 Free and Easy Tools Innovative Educators Can Start Using Today
The following tools are all free and simple to use. This means there’s no cost, nothing to download, no CDs, no manuals and no training. The best of these also do not require users to have email, registration or log ins.
Educators know that getting audience feedback is important, but how often does a teacher really know what her students are thinking and feeling? Not very. Companies like Promethean and Smartboard will lead you to believe that you need to spend thousands to purchase their student response systems. They have complex software, training, and manuals to go along with all that. You also may have a hard time distributing and learning to use the equipment too. At a recent conference the tech-savvy organizer needed an army of people to support his distribution of the devices and help him run the software. At another conference I attended, the vendor who was presenting on student response systems didn’t include them in his presentation because she felt there wasn’t enough time to distribute them. No wonder educators haven’t been using this stuff.
The Tool: Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is a great tool that can be used by anyone who knows someone with a laptop or a cell phone they can send a text message from. For educators in schools without laptops and where phones are banned, this can still be a powerful tool that students can use outside of school by students who have their own phone or laptop or have family, friends or a public facility with a phone or laptop they can use. Futhermore Poll Everywhere is free for people who need to collect 30 or fewer responses per poll, and for schools who have not made Adequate Yearly Progress.
To use poll everywhere the teacher sets up an account at which they’ll be assigned a number or url for participants to send their answers. Within the message students enter the code corresponding to their response. This looks similar to what you see on popular shows such as American Idol. Without any additional equipment or need to download software within seconds educators will have student responses. Another nice feature is that it doesn't matter what device your students are using as text message, web, and smartphone responses can be instantly combined.
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There are all sorts of reading and writing software programs out there. Many New York City educators have seen, these programs in their school oft times in packages collecting dust because the person trained is gone, the system is not compatible, they didn’t know they needed a server, the server’s down, etc. etc. Some innovative educators may have used one of my favorite tools for collaborative writing, Google docs, but gotten frustrated when using it with a class because students need emails, everyone must sign in and register, collaboration isn’t in real time so it is easy to overwrite the work of a collaborator, and the chat feature is clunky at best.
The Tool: EtherpadInnovative educators know that as a result of technology, the writing process has changed drastically. Some teachers, even those with whom I’ve worked in 1:1 environments are stuck in the past though, with students moving along the same pace, following a very similar process of brainstorming, first draft, second draft, revisions, edits, publishing. Writing in the 21st century no longer looks like this. Students never have to write anything over. They write, read, copy, paste, link, etc. to come up with a final draft.
Innovative educators need to get students off of the paper (no, digital natives don’t need to write on paper first like some of the digital immigrants do) and allow them to get to the thinking and producing faster by composing digitally. The tool I recommend they use is http://etherpad.com/. Etherpad allows students to write individually, in pairs, or in groups. It tracks by color who wrote what information. It has an area for chat, and a teacher can play back and observe the writing and revision process of their students. This in essence give teachers the ability to see the writing process for any student, pair, or group anytime, anywhere. Additionally, because each participants in put is color-coded there is never a question about the level of contribution from group participants. It’s all right there. Finally, of course, since this is web-based, students needn’t be conferring with students in their classroom only they can connect with others around the globe.
Another terrific feature is the live playback. This lets a teacher watch the students step by step writing and revision process including exactly which student contributed what and when. You can see my sample pad here http://innovativeedu.etherpad.com/1 and the playback here http://innovativeedu.etherpad.com/ep/pad/view/1/latest
Watch the demo:
When I worked as a literacy coach in 2003, part of my work was to help all our teachers conduct publishing parties at the end of each unit of study. It was at this time that we celebrated student work and placed the books into the classroom library. Classroom libraries were sorted by genre and reading level. We never sorted student or teacher published books that way. In fact we rarely thought about the reading level of a students writing. I realize now, that looking at the level of a students writing would have been a valuable tool and helpful for students and teachers alike. Students might want to know what the readability level of a piece of their writing is and perhaps put their writing in the library of students reading at that grade level. Older students writing for a younger audience might find this tool useful to adequately adjust the level for audience. Teachers writing to their students may also value this feedback.
Additionally, teachers often like to use their own writing or the writing of their students for mentor texts. When I was a coach, this required us to review each text to determine reading level for that text. While this is a worthwhile activity to do to analyze writing, it is extremely time-consuming and so, this was often rarely done. Fortunately, there are now tools that do this for you, for free, for free and require nothing to download.
The Tool: Reading Level Check in Word and Google Docs

This allows teachers and students to instantly see the difficulty level of their writing. Are they writing at a 2nd grade level or 12th grade? What level is right for the audience they are trying to reach? Writing teachers can use this to assess growth of their writers across the year. For reading instruction this is a great way to be able to determine the reading level of student and teacher created work that can be used for mentor texts.
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As a literacy coach teachers and I spent a lot of money and countless hours leveling books. We had various directories to sort through to find a book and for those we couldn't find we would use a guide to level it ourselves. Then we would write the level on the book with the sharpie. The guide books were expensive, and time to do this was limited. Fortunately, there are now tools that do this for you, for free, with nothing to download.
The Tool: Find A BookTo find the reading level of professionally published material, teachers and students can visit Find A Book which allows users for free to type in any book and find the reading level of that book, or perhaps more powerful they can type in their reading level and interest and build a custom reading list on the subjects that interest the reader most. Additionally, there is an age slider that allows you to Move the sliders to adjust search results by age-appropriateness.
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Interactive Whiteboard like Smartboards and Promethean are all the rage with educators and administrators because they promote interactivity and student engagement. As such schools happily spend tens of thousands of dollars outfitting their classrooms. As the Professional Development Manager for the iTeach/iLearn 1-to-1 laptop initiative involving 24 schools in New York City I had the opportunity to visit many classrooms outfitted with these devices. Here’s what I saw. Teachers spending more time talking in front of the room. Teachers getting caught in the light of the projector as they took their sage on the stage role in the spotlight. Many issues with speakers, calibration issues, wires that were in the way and every so often the proud moment when a kid came up and tapped the board. Now, call me crazy but I don’t think Mr. Van Winkle would feel very comfortable in this classroom. The teacher is still usually front and center talking on and on and every so often a lucky kids comes up to the board to do something. The board has a light shining on it sure, but so what?
The Tool: Projector Only
Save thousands per classroom by ditching the Interactive Whiteboard and projector cart. I don’t suggest this because I think interactive whiteboards are a luxury, I suggest it, because I think teachers are more effective without the interactive whiteboard. The interactive whiteboard companies have spent thousands of dollars convincing you that you need these boards for a 21st century classroom, but you don’t. I’ve been working with these companies for years and have challenged them to convince me otherwise but to date none have succeeded in changing my mind that this is a colossal waste of money.
You can accomplish the same instructional goals with a laptop and projector. The benefit is rather than having the teacher front and center in the classroom s/he can be eye to eye with students as the class work is projected behind him/her. Additionally, this enables the teacher to stay at the command station, the hub of where their work is…at their laptop. No awkward traveling back and forth between the laptop and interactive whiteboard or requiring presenting to be a two person activity. The same, if not more, interactivity can be achieved with student coming over to the laptop to share. You may hear that the software is the reason you need to make this costly purchase. I have found there are free alternatives to achieve the same goals.
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IWBFAQ: What’s better - a projector with tablet PC or an IWB?
Most educators know that technically video conferencing is a great idea for global connections and connecting students with experts. However, many have been told you need expensive equipment, software, a technician on hand and more. It’s not true! Don’t let the people from Polycom or Tandberg sell you a videoconferencing system costing tens of thousands of dollars. At the New York City Department of Education there are several such systems not being utilized because they require staff and maintenance that had not just not proven feasible for upkeep and maintenance in the school system.
The Tool: tinychattinychat is a free service that provides text, audio, and video chat rooms. One of the benefits of Tinychat is that nobody involved needs special software to join in and you don’t need to register. From the Tinychat website: Tinychat delivers dead simple video conferences without the extraneous add-ons and inconvenience, making video conferencing an accessible, uncomplicated experience. It works on a variety of systems and browsers; and there is a version available for iPhones. You can have up to twelve people in a room with HQ video, protected by passwords and moderators, share your desktop with them, and your conferences can be recorded and embedded on your website.
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Video Conferencing Options Comparison
- Skype, Tinychat, Oovoo, Dimdim, TokBox, Wiigo
Oovoo versus Tinychat for use in educational applications
Your Web 2.0 Review Series #7: Online Meeting Software and Services
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Online Bulletin Board
Educators know all too well the importance of and emphasis on bulletin boards and instructional charts. As a former literacy coach, we had a variety of instructional charts creating with every unit of study and classrooms often looked a little jungley with chart paper on the wall, chart paper hanging from clothes pins, etc. Additionally, what to do with all that chart paper when you switched units but knew you might want it back as an instructional chart for another unit? Of course educators also often use activities where post its may be used and posted around the room in support of a particular activity. Usually, all the learning is lost, stuffed into the back of a closet or the trash never to be seen again unless you are a rare educator who types them all up.
The Tool: Wallwisher
No more forgotten parking lots. No more having to type notes from post-its placed on chart paper. No more need to have tattered instructional charts strewn around the room. Hurray for Wallwisher, a website that allows you to leave virtual ‘post it’ notes in one place on the web. As well as text you can also embed hyperlnks, pictures and video. The Wallwisher online NOTICE BOARD maker is ideal for making announcements, keeping notes, and basically anything you can do with Post its and more. Students can partake without signing in or needing an email address.
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Screen Capture Recording
Overview: Screen capture recording enables teachers to create interactive course material that truly engages students. School administrators and staff can also use it to develop customized training on software applications, policies, and procedures. From online tutorials to software demonstrations, better communication and improved comprehension of material are at your fingertips with screencapture. Of course using a tool like Captivate at a price of about $700 for general consumers or even $240 for educators can be prohibitive. Especially, if you want to use this tool with various students on various computers having them author content.
The Tool: ScreenJelly and Screentoaster
ScreenJelly and Screentoaster record your screen activity with your voice for FREE so you can spread it instantly in any format you'd like with one click of a mouse. Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like. To start recording, click on the red button. No need to install or download anything! Teachers can use this to record short lessons or tutorials for their students, or better yet, let their students record the tutorials for each other. Screenjelly, which comes from the the team that created ScreenToaster, is touted as being the simplest two use and has a three-minute limit. ScreenToaster has a few more bells and whistles and no such limit.
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Thanks- I agree we have to believe that things have changed and we can't let the 'it is the way it was and will always be' crew get the best of us. We have to have hope- and yes, there is so much free stuff out there! I often look at some of our software and wonder why are we paying for it?
FYI: Etherpad is no long accepting new accounts as they have been bought by Google. Evidently, they are working to integrate it into Google Wave. See Etherpad's blog here: http://etherpad.com/ep/blog/posts/google-acquires-appjet
ReplyDelete@dodie, thanks for the feedback. I agree. Much of the software we buy is unnecessary and doesn't promote 21st century skills.
ReplyDelete@ecornwall, yes, I know. I have this in my Facebook status update, but the tool exists until March and is really just so fab that Google had to buy them. I have a Wave account too, but I don't see it really taking hold which is why I think they brought the Etherpad folks on board. My guess is that as Wave accounts are easier to come buy they'll have the etherpad functionality embedded. Until then and until people can get Wave accounts easily, I wanted to share this fantastic tool to give folks a sense of what is available for free.
Dear Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI am in 100% agreement with you regarding the availability of free tools. [By the way, did you ever see the TED talk video showing how to convert a $40 Wii remote into doing what an IWB does? www.ted.com/talks/johnny_lee_demos_wii_remote_hacks.html]. I do take exception, though, to your depiction of out of touch white old-timers, as I fit two of the three categories ...
Seriously, though, in my current consulting probably the most ardent teacher i am working with would fit that categorization (although he is trying not to be out of touch, to his immense credit). And, some of the younger people seem to be the most resistant. SO, although the age-based generalization is not necessarily false, it also is not consistently true.
Your ideas for your upcoming presentation are well founded. The job of the private sector in education (and elsewhere) is to sell their services. And educators need to know that in many cases they can utilize services that are just as good for free.
Jeff, you were so at the forefront of my mind as I wrote this, and it could definitely use some editing (that's an invitation). What I need to convey is that old timers can be both out of touch and in touch as can young teachers. This was one of those true stereotypical moments though. However, I should (or you could) revise to get that point across. And, yes, I have seen and love that TED talk. Thank you for sharing the url.
ReplyDeleteI too was going to bring up the Wiimote as an alternative to the expensive interactive whiteboards. Being split this year between two buildings I am using both. I have a Wiimote in my middle school room and a Promethean board at the high school. I don't think that they tie me to the spotlight in front of the room though. I find them very useful in integrating the technology I use with my students. Truthfully, I feel tied to the computer without them. The IWB's gives the students and I freedom within the room. I don't use much of the software that came with the Promethean board and end up using it more to demo, for short lectures or chats about a topic, and to access and display student work. I have only been using the Wiimote for a couple of months now but like it every bit as much as the Promethean board and think it is a great alternative to the expensive IWBs.
ReplyDelete@ecornwall, I'm not surprised but another etherpad update is here http://etherpad.com/ep/blog/posts/etherpad-back-online-until-open-sourced. Thanks to my friend Luke for sharing the notification when he posted on FB, "Props to the AppJet team and their new Google colleagues for adjusting the plan for Etherpad."
ReplyDeleteI have some comments here and at FB to incorporate the wimote alternative, so i will probably update the article to include that, however, the point I really want to develop, but don't here, is that the pedagogy is stronger when an IWB is not used but rather just a laptop/projector.
ReplyDeleteI definitely understand your point, and basically agree with it, but I personally find them to be a useful tool. As with the incorporation of any technology it can be overused and relied on to heavily. I suspect that even the laptop/projector option could become dangerous in the wrong hands and present much the same problems you see with the IWBs. I don't think technology dictates good or bad pedagogy. Rather good teaching strategies incorporate technology in a useful way. I guess what I am saying is that it is teachers using the IWBs poorly, not the IWBs using the teachers poorly. Of course your blog does a great job of promoting this kind of stuff, so I guess I am really just writing here to entertain myself... :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these ideas Jason. I think I am among the few in this corner (right now) but I actually do feel the tool IWBs, in this case, prompt even innovative educators to be the sage on the stage. I have not made a good case here as to why...fodder for another post, but in part, set up properly, a laptop and projector enable the teacher to be "a part of the class" rather than "apart from the class." Ugh...I really have to find time to take what is swirling about in my mind and develop it into a coherent case.
ReplyDeleteI still wonder if the fundamental, or should I say primary activity in education is thinking: all else is secondary, or worse... irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteStudents only use smartboards, or whatever the gadget is, AFTER they have thought about something, usually after having been prompted.
So the fundamental art of asking good questions is still the key role of a teacher, and the first goal we should set for our students is to have them think. Sadly, some never appear to think much at all.
The second role of a good teacher is the art of listening to students questions and answers. Then replying with good answers, or, even better still, more good questions. That way, it is the student who arrives at an answer or outcome or conclusion because they have been deliberately invited and included as part of a dialogue. Their thinking is valued...
It is this one feature that overcomes fear in the student, and allows and encourages them to be an active participant in their own learning.
It unambiguously conveys the powerful notion that mind-expanding ideas and thoughts and concepts and principles are already inherent and understood 'deep down' in the student. Thus it puts them on the stage to the extent that they cast away their fears and allow it to happen, and the deep to become suface and conscious. And that deals with the sage on the stage problem very easily.
So, if a bright teacher leaves a student feeling dumb, then that is a sure sign the teacher has not yet learned to question listen and answer. And the students will turn off as fast as you can say 'examination'.
Oddly enough, those two skills - questioning and listening - are expensive to acquire. Why? Because the teachers' colleges and universities spend so much time and money cramming knowledge into people's head that they completely stifle the creativity and innovation and independent thinking capability essential for teaching.
And their grauduates then proceed to repeat the same ineffective process in schools, resulting the closing of even more healthy and fertile and capable minds.
It's more than ironic, it is sad. And it's more than sad, it's a huge waste of resources and potential.
The issue about digital or gadgets is almost superfluous, because someone who cannot think independently, and who is scared of their own mind and creative potential, will still display fear even in the face of some quick-fix bright shiny object.
Either that or they will happily push buttons and click a mouse, and take the answer at face value without any insight into magnitude or reasonableness or common sense. The gadget actually hinders and beguiles them into thinking they are thinking correctly. Oh dear...
Sorry to go on about this, but so many students have arrived in my class with years of conditioning that simply must be undone before they can make progress. That is what makes teaching a challenge, but also so enervating.
Thanks for sharing these 8 resources.
ReplyDeleteI do not know if in 2009 http://www.Zoho.com was around. I like it. At times I think, it would be good to have a Googledocs+Zohodocs environment.
One of the old guys said, “Maybe you can get something for free but it won’t last.”
ReplyDeleteI went to check out Etherpad. And guess what?
"Google has acquired AppJet Inc. and its EtherPad collaboration product and technology. The EtherPad.com servers have now been shut down, according to the timetable announced previously."
ReplyDeleteI've written about the acquisition of Iba's Etherpad on this blog. He actually went to Google to make their Google docs better and now it is and it's free!
Because Iba left the code open, there's all sorts of alternative etherpad apps like TypeWith.me and iEtherPad.com
Sometimes the tools are bought and changed, but they all still exist and they're all still free.