Monday, November 16, 2009

National Educational Technology Plan

The U.S. Department of Education is developing a new National Educational Technology Plan to provide a vision for how information and communication technologies can help transform American education. The plan will provide a set of concrete goals that can inform state and local educational technology plans as well as inspire research, development, and innovation. A draft plan is expected in early 2010.

The plan development team is looking for insights from the field to help us understand how to improve education through the innovative use of technology.

What would you like to see considered in the National Educational Technology Plan?

You can contribute your recommendations here.
You can see what others have recommended here.

1 comment:

  1. Special Education Access to the curriculum for all students under a universal design for learning curriculum.
    Standards for special education students to learn scanning,switches and communication devices,not just for IEP mandated equipment but also for programmatic.
