We can stop "Waiting for Superman." "We Are The People We've Been Waiting For" is here bringing us a film about the failure of the educational system to keep pace with a 21st century world. The film focuses on the question of whether the current system provides young people the opportunity to discover and develop their talents. It's no surprised, that test-driven systems fail at this miserably. The film features celebrities, students and educators sharing different perspectives on the failure of many educational structures to prepare students for the world in which they live.
The site itself has a plethora of useful information which you can access by clicking about the site where you are connected to experts and others speaking about issues in education. For instance when you click on the link shown in this picture you hear from a celebrity, a pupil and an expert about children who don't respond to academic environments. On another link you are taken to video clips of education in other countries that are doing things right for students. In this case, right correlates to passion-driven learning. Another link takes you to students discussing what they might be interested in doing in the future. The site also addresses the idea that the academic and/or college track is not for everyone, and that's okay! Another neat part of the site is the "game" you can play to find out what you're good at. What you might be surprised to find you're good at, and possible career paths. You can check out the site and play the career game, watch experts speak, or order the film at this link.
John Abbott's The 21st Century Learning Initiative is another organization/website worth checking out.