Opportunity for Innovative Educators to Get Recognized as Expert Evaluators in Tech & Learning Magazine
Tech & Learning has an opportunity for teachers to be recognized as expert evaluators of products that might be of interest to other innovative educators. Qualified candidates (if you’re reading this blog, that’s you!) will be selected to evaluate products for its annual Awards of Excellence. This will be a piece of cake for innovative educators who are already using many of these products. This is an opportunity to share what you know about the products you love (or do not love) by evaluating at least five products by October 1. Evaluation criteria include the following: quality and effectiveness, ease of use, creative use of technology, and suitability for use in an educational environment. Each product will take about 30 minutes to evaluate. This is a fun way to get a sneak peek at some of the latest technology tools being announced in the K-12 arena.Judges will be recognized in the December Awards issue of Tech & Learning. To become an official Tech & Learning judge simply email cweiser@nbmedia.com with “Awards of Excellence Evaluation Candidate” in the subject line. Share that you are a reader of this blog in the body of your email.If this is of interest to you, check out the link to the winners of last year’s contest http://www.techlearning.com/article/26130.
It's a great opportunity to also see some of the new and updated educational technology products out there. I've been a judge before, but unfortunately don't have time this year. I recommend this as a very worthwhile endeavor.