Phone chargers (Really iPhone 5???)
On/off switches on computers (Push, slide, front, side?)
Television remote controls (How do you turn this dang thing on?)
Carry on luggage (Forget the sizers, just give a standardized stamp or seal!)
Laptop plug hole (Left? Right? Back?)
And, from Twitter:
Please consider standardizing voting rights and rules in this country?
— Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby) January 15, 2013
The side of the car you will find the gas tank!These are all things that our country should work on standardizing.
— Liz Loverde (@llizl1) January 15, 2013
Agree? Anything missing?
Now how about...
Children (Why can't they all just be the same?)
Of all the things that should be standardized, but aren't, why on earth would we allow children to be included? Children aren't standard and shouldn't be common. Help them off the conveyor belt. Opt out. Take charge.
You can join the discussion on Facebook to opt out in your state in two ways.
1) Type in the search: Opt out of State Standardized Tests - Your State i.e. Opt Out of State Standardized Tests - New York
2) Go to the page url: i.e.
Also love this Ignite Talk by @MikeKaechele #standardizeTHAT He will be discussing this idea t #educon, too!