In his recent article, "14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools," Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson, gives innovative educators, students, and parents some food for thought in their own schools. When I read the article, I couldn't help but think that an excellent activity would be to turn the article into a quiz for school staff, students, and parents. After taking the quiz, they could compare results, see where they are, discuss what is working well, and also figure out some ways to update practice.
The quiz is at the end of this post. Once you take it, share how you did in the below poll.
Results from first poll:
In the comments, please share any tips, ideas, suggestions for how you've successfully updated outdated practices in your school. Hopefully we'll learn some good ideas from one another.
4. My two favorite questions on this quiz are "Teachers don't share" and "Students are grouped by their manufacture date." What a powerful image this paints. Today’s learning environments require teacher collaboration behind the scenes to make it all happen. As a mother, I often reflect on my children being lumped into a class with students their age but not with the same skills. Some more advanced others needing more assistance. How would an adult like being placed in a course that is for beginners when they already have a background? Or, maybe even worse, being placed in a class where they have no understanding of the topic and others are wising by them. There needs to be reforms in order to better manage this.